tHAPIcs has a little API where you can get the resource channels with the following actions:

Search a youtube channel

Get a list of channels that match a query sting

GET v1/channels/search?q='string'
		id: "sdjkdfdf",
		name: "",
		thumbnail: "url",
		id: "sddf2jdf",
		name: "chocoreacciones",
		thumbnail: "url",

Get channel details

Get detail information of a youtube channel

GET v1/channels/:channelId
	id: "8sdjkdfdf",
	name: "",
	thumbnail: "url",

Get all videos in a channel

Get all the videos without pagination of a channel

GET v1/channels/:channelId/videos

Sample response

		id: "8sdjkdfdf",
		name: "Hello World"
		id: "789sdjdf",
		name: "hello tHAPIcs"

Get topics for a channel

GET v1/channel/:channelId/topics
topics: [
	topicId: 'm34',
	videos: [
			id: "8sdjkdfdf",
			name: "",
			thumbnail: "url",
			id: "789sdjdf",
			name: "chocoreacciones",
			thumbnail: "url"